The weather wasn't supposed to be so good so we decided to do a short bike tour into the city. In case of rain there would be the possibility to go shopping a little longer. We took my usual route to work which is mostly downhill. :) We were a bit early so we just walked a bit with the bikes then locked them at the market hall and went to a bunch of shops. We ate lunch at S.p.i.c.e. which is one of my favourite asian lunch restaurants here. After lunch we continued to Haga, Göteborg's oldest city part and took the way back with the ferry at Rosenlund to Lindholmen. We cycled along the canal to Eriksberg, took a quick look at the ship Götheborg before cycling home completely.
The next day the weather was way better and we planned a little longer bike tour called "Tour de Volvo". My father had the directions for it in his little machine, so it was a bit like following the instructions of a car's navigation system. The track itself was more fit for a mountain bike. Unfortunately I don't have any suspension on my bike, so after a while it got a little uncomfortable with my little belly. But it was doable anyway, just had to take it very easy. In the end the whole tour was about 30 km long. xD
After the long tour the day before we put in a resting day. Just went out for a walk to a lake nearby and went shopping. We also had coffee and princess cake in the afternoon. Princess cake (prinsesstårta) is a typical Swedish birthday cake and unfortunately we only got a frozen one.
...and for dinner we had Tacos because hubby wanted some. :)
Last bike tour! Only a short one to the Volvo Museum. Since it was along the harbor area it had a more industrial feeling to it. xD
Generally my condition for biking is not that good at the moment and it does not get better due to the pregnancy. But when taking it very slow it is ok and the baby seems fine with it too. It seemed to be more active with me being more active.
Friday was resting day as well since my dad would drive home again. So I baked two cakes and did dishes and stuff while my dad rested and packed. Oh and we started watching "Midsomer murders" the last days. We got almost all of the episodes from my father-in-law some months back but never watched them until my Dad said he watched them now and then on TV as well. Until then I'd thought it was a Swedish series.
Then late in the evening we had to say goodbye to my dad because he had to catch the ferry. :(